Monday, February 27, 2006

Training Program Link

Here is the link to the training program I am following:

This week I am on week 7.

Grooveless and hungry

Today I ran 4.5 miles in about 46 minutes, on the treadmill, 2% incline most of the time. I was struggling, though, by the last mile and a half. Just couldn't find my groove and I don't think I ate enough at lunch to provide fuel. I realize this because I could have eaten my left arm after I returned to my office from my run.

There are moments when I feel like this half marathon is no big deal, but then there are days when the reality of running 13 miles sets in. Then it overwhelms me. I just have to realize that this is no different than anything else in takes hard work and dedication. Things don't happen overnight. I also have to rationalize it by telling myself it is only a little over 2 hours of running, not bad, right? I can break it down as well. As my distances increase, I have learned that breaking it down helps. Now I just need to apply this to my's still a bit overwhelming as well.

As of this past Saturday (Feb. 25), I have run over 100 miles since January 1, 2006. That's a great feeling.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Strength and Stretch

I didn't really have time today, but I went over to the gym and did strength and stretching anywyas. Gotta stick to my schedule! I worked on my chest, back and shoulders. For chest I did the bench press machine, pull across and one arm pec flys. For back I did flys and bent row using bar. Shoulders, I did a few presses (they were hard, though!) and then lateral and forward raises. For you weight lifting experts in the crowd, I have no idea if I am calling these exercises by the right name, but it helps me to identify them. Finally I did some sit-ups on the incline for abs and then finished off with stretching my legs. My hamstrings and quads were pretty tight.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Saturday morning

This morning I headed out around 10:30 am for a long run. According to my shedule, I only have to run 2 miles today but felt like and had time to run more. I ran along my typical path almost to the beltway which I think is around 5.5 to 6 miles round trip. It was a good run... a little difficult in the beginning to get going, plus it's cold! I got tired half way through due to some hills but by the last mile or 1 1/2 mile, I was feeling great. I realized that once I found my groove, I could keep going and going and going. I had to get home, though, to shower since Maureen was picking me up to go shopping. I finished the run in 62 minutes. On our way home from the mall, I had Maureen measure the mileage for me and it came out to 2.8 miles (so 5.6 miles total). I am going to figure out a route that is 7 miles long since my mileage increases again this week.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Pseudo 5k

According to my training schedule, I am supposed to run a 5k this weekend. Unfortunately, there are no 5k's this weekend in DC. So, today I decided to run 3.1 miles at a faster pace on the treadmill. Kind of a race against myself. I started out with a 10 min/mile pace and then for the last two miles I ran at a 9.1 min/mile pace. I was definitely breathing hard but it felt great when i was done! Yesterday was a rest day due to not being able to get to the gym between being in Maryland most of the day and then going to a concert at the Birchmere last night.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Today I ran four miles in 40.5 minutes, 2% incline on treadmill. It was a good run, but I was hot and sweaty (or felt more so than usual). The treadmill, of course, provides no wind resistance. I was a little tired and don't know if it was due to true tiredness or from my little injury yesterday. I realized today that I need to start increasing the incline. I have been doing a 2% incline for a while now.

Monday, February 20, 2006


I just got done doctoring myself, which involved washing the itty bitty pieces of gravel off of my scrapes and then dousing the scrapes with hydrogen peroxide. Yes, that's right, I fell today on my run. Not just any fall, I faceplanted. Belly-flopped. ATE gravel. I still catch a few pieces between my teeth every now and again as I sit here smackin' on a piece of gum. I was at the office earlier and decided to do my run along my usual path. I got about a mile into my run and there is an orange construction fence. Part of the fence is lower than the rest and I got the bright idea that I could leap over it. What I didn't realize until it was too late was that it had been pushed over and was at an angle. My back foot caught the aluminum wire holding the fence up and in one of those moments like you see in the Road Runner and Coyote cartoon, I knew I was going down. You know, the moment where the coyote has just realized that he has gone over the cliff and he is stuck in midair a few seconds with this look on his face like "Oh, shit". As I realized my foot caught, I swear time stopped there for a second as that priceless look crossed my face and then, BOOM. My whole body hit the gravel. Thankfully, due to the construction, it was small gravel and not hard pavement. I sat there for a few seconds until my head quit spinning and then made sure my nose wasn't bleeding or, worse, broke. I got up and realized the front of my shirt and pants were painted with gravel. My right knee was busted up pretty good and bleeding and my left ankle had bruises and a small cut on it. My face felt awful but from what I could tell, I wasn't bleeding (later I found out I had a few very small scrapes on my chin, nose area, and larger scrape above my left eye...nothing major, though). I felt like the right side of my face had been pushed up through my nose. I dusted myself off, wiped my face clean, walked it off and then continued my run. I ran a little over three more miles. I have no idea how fast my run was or my heartrate because I forgot my stopwatch. It was ok, though, cause every once in a while, it's nice just to run and not worry about time or anything. I was back in the office within about 55 minutes, fall and all.

I realize I haven't posted in a couple of days so I will catch you up. On Wednesday (Feb. 15), I did a four mile run on the treadmill and some strength training. On Thursday (Feb. 16), I strictly did strength training and stretching. Friday (Feb. 17), I did my long run since Megan and Louis were coming to visit this weekend and I wouldn't have a chance to do it then. My long run was 6 miles on the treadmill and I did it in about 63 minutes. It was a good run and I realized that breaking it into three 2-mile segments made it seem more accomplishable. This weekend, we did some walking so I am counting that as my cross-training this week. I know, it's lame, but I had guests.

My knee hurts...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's and I received no Valentines. A guy at work, though, did give me a piece of chocolate cake that his daughter made. It was good and I only had half so I can enjoy the other half tomorrow. Maureen came over tonight and we ordered pizza and watched the Olympics.

I ran two miles today in about 19 minutes. Slowly, but surely, I am shaving time off my pace. It was a good run and I felt great.

I am glad to have the freedom to do what I want when I want. The half marathon itself is still a bit overwhelming, but I am looking forward to it. I actually had the thought today to go ahead and do a 5k in the next two weeks and try to get a qualifying time for the National Marathon. I could do it in March and then do the Country Music Marathon in April. That's just thinkin' though...for right now. :)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Part of me

Today I ran 4 miles on the treadmill, 2% incline. My mileage increases this week from 3.5 miles run to 4 miles runs. My long run will be 6 miles instead of 5 as well. I finished today in about 41.5 minutes so I am happy with that. I am also happy with the fact that I was alone in the gym for the majority of this run and just kept running! So, that's the point of the title of this entry....running has become a part of me. I have come to a point where I can't imagine life without it, even though I am sure it would be an "easier" life. A reoccuring thought that occurs to me is the fact that there was a time that I couldn't even run 1/2 mile. Somedays I can't remember that time but it's there.

For those of you that are keen, you may notice that I missed one of my runs this past week (3.5 miles). We had a major snowstorm this weekend and I was a wimp and wouldn't run in the snow. This is one of those times that I realize I can't be hard on myself for this. Just let it go and get right back on track.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Burnin' off the buffet...

Today I ran 5 miles at 10.5 minute/mile pace on a 1.5% incline. I took it easy due to my tummy being full of yummy Indian food. I can tell it was a fairly easy run because I was able to talk throughout it (it was difficult to talk long, though). I also didn't listen to music for this run. I am glad I got my long run for the week out of the way before the weekend. It is supposed to come a serious winter storm here tonight and tomorrow (up to 6" of snow!). Brrrr....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Me, competitive??

Today I decided to do cross-training instead of my initial plan to run 3.5 miles. This decision came about due to my gym buddy challenging me on the recumbent bike. I am proud to say I did 9.94 miles in 29:99 minutes. Why 29:99 minutes? Well, I stopped it at 1 second left to go so I would have proof of my distance.

My initial goal was simply 7 miles in 21 minutes and I beat that by doing 7 miles in just over 20 minutes. I am pleased since I don't usually do the recumbent bike. I could definitely feel it in my quads! I also did 10 minutes on the elliptical (backwards to work different muscle groups) before I got on the bike.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The big decision!

Good news for the family and folks down South in Music City...I am training towards running the Country Music Marathon (
Mark your calendars: April 29, 2006.
Today I ran two miles (treadmill, 10 minute/mile pace, 2% incline) and struggled a little. Just didn't easily find my groove. My hamstrings were tight as well...ok, enough excuses. Yesterday I ran 3.5 miles (treadmill, little over 10 minute/mile pace, 2% incline) and then did strength training on my chest, back, and one set for biceps and triceps (45 minutes). I also did some stretching. I have found that consistently stretching my leg muscles each day after running really helps. I can also see a marked improvement in my flexibility. Maybe one day I will finally be able to put my foot behind my head.... that's a joke.
One other thing of *positive* note: Some friends are going to a hockey game tonight and while it was very tempting to join them, I wanted to get my run in. I could have done both, but didn't have time to rush, shower and get downtown by 7 pm. Who would have thought that running would be priority over socializing for me??? I hope my running routine stays a priority as the mileage increases each week.
--This post was written on February 4--

Well, I completed my third week of half-marathon (HM) training this week. I am doing Hal Higdon's training schedule that is designed for the novice HM runner. This week I ran 13.7 miles. It's still a bit overwhelming to think that that is how far I will run in a matter of hours one day. One of the biggest challenges is to actually stick to the training schedule and not overdo it. The days reserved for 2 miles only or stretch and strengthen are hard because I feel like I need to do more to get my heart rate up or exercise longer. I am learning, though, that these days and the day for rest is just as important as the days I run 3 miles. Yesterday I ran 5 miles on the treadmill and it felt great! I also did the majority of the time at a 10 minute/mile pace on the treadmill at an incline of 2. That's a pretty fast pace for me. Anyways, it was nice to get my long run out of the way even before the weekend...especially since the weather has been less than desirable today.
As a side note, I lost 4.2 lbs this week. That's a lot but it is because I am back on track with keeping track of my food. It is crucial that I keep track of what I eat as long as I want to lose weight. I can get away with not counting if I am only maintaining but I want to lose some more.


--This was written on January 30. --

Those close to me know that I have been wanting to run a half marathon for a while now, but just can't seem to get my head straight to do it. Well, I figured out that being accountable to me, myself, and I isn't working. So now I reason that keeping this blog may help with my training and hold me accountable. I have no trouble running on a regular basis...the trouble is the long runs. I can't seem to muster over 5 or 6 miles. I need a running partner but nobody is jumping up and down saying "Choose me! Choose me!". I may actually have to join a running club which I have been avoiding because I would rather spend the money on something else. Now I have to make a decision on which marathon to run. I could run the National Marathon on March 25, but that is only 8 weeks away and I believe I need at least 10 weeks to train. Another option is the Country Music Marathon in Nashville at the end of April. That would give me 12 (actually 13) full weeks to train and I would get to do it with my family cheering me on. The only drawback is the travel. I will make a decision in the next couple of days. Now on to this accountability stuff...I ran about 3.4 miles today and did it in 38 minutes. I ran along my usual trail near where I live, which is one of my favorite places to run maybe because it is so familiar and has rolling hills. After my run, I did some stretching and then a set of weights for my chest, back and shoulders. I also did a little ab work.