Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New shoes!

Today I bought new running shoes after deliberating for a week or so. I finally figured it is better to err on the conservative side and have shoes that are in good shape for the race. I ran in the shoes this afternoon on the treadmill (5 miles, 50.5 minutes, 1% incline). The shoes felt good and it felt good to run after a couple of days. I haven't run since my long run on Saturday because I woke up Sunday with a slight knee injury. The outside of my knee was sore when I walked (bending it) and tender when I applied pressure. At first I didn't think much of it, but since it didn't go away as the day went on, I investigated on the internet. I believe it is Iliotibial Band Syndrome. They recommend rest, ice, compression and elevation. So I rested on Sunday, iced it a couple of times and elevated it when I slept. I decided to rest on Monday as well and just walked on the treadmill and did the arm machine (which I don't care for). I stretched as well. The injury is a good wake up call for me that I need to strengthen my leg muscles and stretch my outer and inner thighs. I didn't have any trouble with my run today, thankfully.

I think the knee problem was not necessarily from running but more from swing dancing on Saturday night. So, no more dancing until after my race....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Why do I do it?

Today I had a great run. Chris picked me up at 8:30 am and we headed off to the Mt. Vernon Bike Trail (http://www.nps.gov/gwmp/mvtmap.html) to run 10 miles. The sun came out and it was breezy. The first part of the run was nice because the trail wasn't too crowded. As the morning progressed the trail got more crowded. As usual, I suddenly had to pee after running the first mile. So frustrating! I was searching for anywhere (restroom not required, bushes will do) I might take a "potty" break. Finding appropriate bushes is IMPOSSIBLE running between D.C. and Arlington along GW Parkway. Fortunately there were port-a-jons at Gravelly Point. Problem solved.

I am so glad I have Chris to run with...there were a few times I might have been able to talk myself into stopping if I had been alone. Once we reached the 7.5 to 8 mile point on the way back, I got a second wind. I think it may just be a matter of wanting to get done and SOON. I took off and ran a faster pace until I reached the car. Chris got a little tired but wasn't far behind. It felt so good to finish and know we did it!! I think the distance may actually be a little less than 10 miles now that I look at the map, but close enough. I finished in 1:39. Not bad...

Last night, Friday, I rested and on Thursday I did weights and stretching. Tomorrow I am hoping to get out on my bike, in fact, I may carry it with me to my friend's house so I can bike in a new area.

I felt so good after my run today. I can't describe how well and confident running makes me feel. As if I need any more doses of confidence. I find it's a different confidence than what I am used to, though. I truly understand the concept of runner's high now. Chris and I were discussing during our run why we do it. I mentioned the runner's high, the endorphins and all. But Chris probed further with the question: what makes you start? Why do I voluntarily wake up early on the weekend and run miles or races?

Why do I do it? It's a two-edged sword, really. I need it, but don't. I love it, but dread it at times. I have mastered it, but still have A LOT to learn. It keeps me healthy, but can be hard on my body. I like to compete and run with others, but usually do it alone. It stimulates my body but, most of all, my brain. I do the same runs on a regular basis (i.e. training) but constantly surprise myself.

I love running and what it does for me as a person. Running has taken me across the Atlantic by myself, running has got me to a place I have never been physically and keeps me there, running is going to get me my Ph.D., running has gained me friends, running has taught me the importance of supporters (i.e. family, a companion), running shows me the omnipresence and steadfastness of God in our world, running has helped me to be an inspiration to others and at the end of it all, isn't that what is important and why I'm glad I am here?

Running is a metaphor for life. Everything more easily comes into perspective.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Looking for my motto...

Well, I must admit my motivation has been a little low this week, but it doesn't matter because I still completed my runs so far. In other words, it can't be that bad. Yesterday I ran three miles around my neighborhood and then walked an additional 1o minutes or so until I got back home. Today I ran 5 miles in the gym on the treadmill. My time was a little over 53 minutes, but I am so glad I ran the full 5 miles. For some reason, I didn't think I was going to make it. Not due to my body but more due to getting tired of running or bored. Thank God for music...it can instantly change my mood and outlook. I am done running for now until my long run on Saturday: 10 miles. I hope the weather is good.

I think more than anything my training is taking its toll. While I am getting stronger (love my quads), at the same time, my muscles are more sore and they feel the effect of running 20+ miles/week. They were right when they said this is the hardest part of the training. I am only running a half-marathon so it's really not that bad but it's new to me. I have realized the importance of my rest days. At least one day of rest is vital as part of the training. I have also realized that I perform best when I am following a schedule and working towards a goal. I think after the half-marathon I will follow a "spring training" schedule for my running. I also plan on doing some bike races. Starting in July or August I can begin training again for a fall race.

I have now run over 220 miles since January 1.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The day after my first 10K

Yesterday I ran my first 10K. It didn't feel like anything "first" necessarily since I have run over 6 miles before...several times. I woke up yesterday morning at 6 am and left my house a little after 6:30 am to head to Columbia, MD. I arrived, got my race packet, and ran into Charles (Chris's husband). The three of us waited for the race in a coffee shop and I had about a half a cup of coffee. At least we were inside where it is warm!

This race was definitely interesting and kept my mind engaged due to the hills. Sometimes races on flat courses can get a little boring even though they are faster and not as draining. I would say about half of the course was some sort of hill even if it was a gentle incline. We finished the hills after about 5 miles and the last mile was downhill or flat except for one little incline right before the end of mile 5. There were about 1200 other runners and Drew was one of them. I didn't see him until the end of the race but we went to the post-race brunch together. Apparently he passed Chris and I in the first mile but didn't say "hi".

Chris and I are really good for one another. I am glad to have her in my life. I don't think I would be where I am in my running if it wasn't for her. She pushed me to do my first 5k. During the race we discovered we really do compliment each other. I was the power on the uphills keeping us going strong and she rocketed us on the downhills reminding me to let my legs carry me on the downhill. Amazingly the race went by fast and wasn't bad at all. My energy level was good and we kept a good pace. My goal was to finish in 60 to 62 minutes. I gave a range depending on the hill situation. I finished in 59:39.55 minutes. That's a pace of 9:36.42 minutes/mile. I am pleased.

Today I ran 5 miles on my usual route. I could feel the effects from the race yesterday. I should have stretched after the race, dammit! My calves and especially quads were tight. In fact, my quads made the run less than pleasant. I still did 5 miles in 51:03 minutes which seemed a bit remarkable considering I walked a little due to my quads. Looking at my time, I started questioning whether I really ran 5 miles. I knew I had driven the path before but double checked to make sure. I drove it again and sure enough...right at 5 miles. The weather was so beautiful, I love this time of year and I love the fact that I enjoy it so much more than I ever did before.

Earlier today during our Monday Morning Meeting (MMM) at work, our team leader asked each of us to complete the sentence "I want to.....". My answer was simply "teach". There is so much I want to do....more than I can even write down, but there at 8:30 am this morning, it all came down to one of my basic desires.

I want to see every continent.
I want to visit every state.
I want to talk to random strangers more often.
I want to laugh every single day.
I want to skydive.
I want to run a marathon.
I want to go to space.
I want to be appointed by the President to do something.
I want to be President one day.
I want to learn to sail.
I want to be as comfortable as I am now or more so for the rest of my life.
I want to fall in love.
I want to get married (someday).
I want to raise children.
I want to coach little league.
I want to make a difference in someone's life.
I want to go home.
I want to do a century this summer (100 mile bike ride).
I want to go to the beach (and sleep outside there).
I want to buy a Corvette and then sell if after a year.
I want to find a church where I can truly grow.
I want to finish my Ph.D.
I want to lose 15 more lbs.
I want to move up the career ladder.
I want to know that the best years of my life are right now and ahead of me and not behind me (you know what, though? I already know this for a fact...the best is yet to come).
I want to dote on my niece and here her laughter.
I want to know that I am loved.
I want to live to be 100 and healthy.
I want to be a professor.
I want to prove that the test I am doing is one way of determining bond strength (even if it's not the most fundamental).
I want to tell my friends how important they are to me.
I want to be able to be more loving with my family.
I want to continue to add to this list for many, many years....

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Let me catch you up. On March 25th I ran a 5k. This was Maureen's first race and I agreed to run it with her. We ended up getting several friends to run with us: Chris, Amber and Tyler. The morning was cold but the race was quick since it was a flat course down at West Potomac Park. I ran with Maureen and we completed the race in a little over 31 minutes. Our pace was 10:06 minutes/mile. Maureen did a great job and I am pleased with our results. Chris and Tyler finished a little ahead of us and Amber was not far behind. Everyone did great and it was awesome to have friends there. The next day, Sunday, I ran a couple of miles on the treadmill. I was going to run more outside but had to prepare for my trip to Savannah.

I went to Savannah, GA for a conference. I traveled on Monday and on Tuesday woke up early to jog with some colleagues at the conference. They decided to sleep in so I went on a 3 mile run on my own. I jogged along the river front in one direction until I got into a "rough" looking area. I then ran to the other end of the river front until it ended. Along the way, I saw the shops and restaurants (closed of course). The tugboats were docked and the tourist paddle boats. A surprise occured when I jogged past one large boat with people sitting on the inside. I assumed it was a breakfast cruise but later learned it's a hotel boat. On my run, I discovered the waving girl statue and noticed she has a collie with her...reminds me of Major. I then ran through the town of Savannah and noticed the square acres that cover the town and several churches. In the afternoon, my colleagues decided to go on a run so I skipped out of the afternoon session to go change and join them. We ran about 3 more miles at least through Savannah to a large park. We did three laps around the park before returning to the hotel. Due to having a couple of late nights, I didn't run again until I arrived in Nashville.

On Saturday (April 1), I met Sarynna at Shelby Bottoms for a 9 mile run. I have never been to this park before and it is a great place to run. The trail is flat and wide and runs along the Cumberland river until you reach the back of Opryland. The course then loops back to the original course. We did the loop twice. Sarynna planned to run an 11 minute/mile pace but once we checked our time we realized we did a 10.3 minute/mile pace. She was so excited and so was I!! It gave me the utmost confidence to know I can do that pace over a long distance. It did get difficult toward the end but not difficult on my body, but more so on my mind. I simply was "tired" of running. I also have to adjust to running in warmer temperatures. I realize that while I have concentrated on conditioning my body, I must also condition and pace my mind. My mind gets ahead of me so often, not just in training but in my work and daily life as well. I must be realistic!

On Sunday, I ran a quick 2 miles in my neighborhood at home. On Monday, I ran 4.5 miles in my neighborhood. Essentially that is 4 laps around my neighborhood including the courts. Tuesday, Leslie (co-worker) and I met Sarynna again at Shelby Bottoms for a 5.3 mile run. The weather was warm and the park wasn't as crowded as on Saturday. Made for a great run! On Wednesday, I took my family dogs for a 1 mile walk since I had neglected them on Tuesday night. Thursday I returned to D.C. and did a variety of things in the gym. I did the stair climber for 15 minutes (1000 steps on level 8), then ran a quick 2 miles (19 1/2 minutes) and then walked on an incline for 10 minutes. I then did weights and stretching. On Friday, I ran 4 miles along my normal trail but was slower than normal and I walked some of the hills. It was quite humid due to rain and I didn't want to overdo it since I have a race on Sunday.

Tomorrow is the big day, my first 10K (6.21 miles)! I am running in the Clyde's 10K in Columbia, MD. I have to drive about 45 minutes just to get to the race so I am not looking forward to that. I am shooting for a time around 60 minutes but I know there are some "rolling hills" on this course so my goal may have to be adjusted to closer to 62 minutes (10 min/mile pace). It's 10:15 pm now, so I need to get ready for bed. G'night.