Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday morning

I love Saturday mornings. I met two of my girlfriends for a run this morning at 8:30 AM. One friend has been having trouble with her foot and the other is just getting back into running. So, we decided to start out slow. The first 2 to 3 miles we did at a > than 10 min/mile pace...probably around 10:30 min/mile. After about 25 minutes, Chris and I picked it up and what we covered in 30 minutes on the way out, we covered in 26 minutes on the way back. I was happy with that. It was a great run. I felt very good which was a surprise since I had run sprints last night on the treadmill and didn't go to bed until well after 1 AM last night. I figured I would be tired. Once again I am learning that starting out slow is very beneficial. It makes for a more comfortable run and you can really pick it up on the tail end of the run.

I am trying to vary my treadmill routine so I don't get burned out. Last night, I warmed up for 5 minutes at just under 11 min/mile pace and then did 10 min/mile pace for 5 minutes. The I ran at a 8:20 min/mile (faster than my best 5K race pace) pace for three minutes, then recovered for three minutes. I repeated this two more times. It was challenging but I know it will improve my performance. Then I walked uphill on a 10% incline for five minutes for recovery. I let myself walk this part because it was very warm in the gym due to our mild weather. Then I jogged again for 5 minutes or so and then did one more set of 3 minutes at 8:20. Then jogged until I reached 45 minutes. By doing this routine, I my turnover and should improve my speed. I have a couple of other workouts to add to the mix as well such as hill climbing for strength. Another challenge has actually been doing weights. I don't enjoy doing weights like I used to. I need to get in a steady routine for that as well. One thing at a time.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Is it cold outside?

It's December and it was almost 60 degrees today! Fantastic for running! I was in a workshop today which is taking up the majority of my workweek. As soon as we dismissed a little after 4, I went to the locker room and changed for a run. I ran about 4 miles give or take or 41 minutes. It was a great run, probably because I had not run since Friday and was well-rested. I didn't run in TX as much as I had planned to. I understand why people might not train for a marathon during the winter months. It can be a challenge to get a run in outside. First the sun doesn't come up until after 7 AM and then it's gone around 5 PM. I have been letting myself off the hook on running more than usual during this time leading up to the holidays.

I registered last night for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC on April 1. I have been wanting to run in the race but it is difficult to secure an entry. The field is limited to the first 10,000 registrants and sells out in 24 hours. This will definitely be a race to look forward to...several of my girlfriends have signed up for it.

The top of my right foot has been giving me some trouble. I don't know if I tie my shoes to tight or what, but it was annoying me tonight after my run. It doesn't bother me during a run, it bothers me afterward....weird.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I love 5Ks

They're simple, they're quick, and make you feel good. This morning my friend Heather and I ran a 5K in McLean. I decided to run and support this 5K since it is in my community and I am happy to only have to drive 5 minutes to a race. This 5K raises money for the medical bills of a young man that is paralyzed after diving into shallow water. Definitely not your traditional cause but I am glad I did the race. It was the organizer's first 5K and it showed. The race was scheduled to begin at 8:30 AM and didn't start until after 9 AM probably closer to 9:30 AM. The response was overwhelming. I overheard folks saying that over 1200 people registered! That's why 5Ks make you feel good...they are a manageable distance so lots and lots of people can participate.

Heather and I ended up at the front of the start line which is good since there were no chips. I was concerned we were going to get run over though, but we started out fast. The course was a bit challenging with some long hills, but a great course overall and I never got bored. After the halfway point I noticed Heather wasn't behind me anymore so I walked backwards a while to wait for her. We had decided at the beginning we were doing this together. We finished in 31 minutes and Heather was pleased. This was the longest she had run while sustaining a 10 min/mile pace. Keep in mind, though, that Heather has completed a marathon and provided inspiration and tips to me while I was training for mine...not to mention ran several miles of it with me.

After we grabbed a postrace bagel and banana and headed to MFR for breakfast, yum. I saw my supervisor from work and his family and I got to see his new baby girl...she is beautiful, full of smiles and favors him.

I really enjoyed the sense of community this race had. McLean is where I live and work and even though I didn't know anyone, I was quite impressed with the turnout. At MFR everyone was asking each other if they did the race and how did they do....really nice.

Changing subjects, I haven't been following a training program since the marathon. I have just been doing whatever feels good. This week I only ran on Monday and Thursday. However I still went to the gym every day except Friday (rest day). I have been doing the bike and the elliptical for at least 40 minutes each day. I get a hard workout in by setting the resistance high. Afterwards, twenty minutes of weights and/or stretching.

Gotta go run some errands now...