Monday, July 03, 2006

Long time, no write

Well I haven't wrote since I completed my half-marathon. I reached my goal and took a break. I continued running but cut back for a couple of weeks and spent more time on the elliptical and strength training. As of May, though, I have set my next goal. I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon ( in Washington, DC. I am really excited about this race because it is in our nation's capital, it recognizes those that serve our country, my girlfriends are running it with me, and I get to look at Marines while I run...YAY!! I have heard that the Marines that line the course are very motivating and inspirational so I am looking forward to it. As before, while I was training for the half, I am a bit overwhelmed. I know deep down that the training will pay off, but I have to stick to the training. It's scary, though, the training is already up to 11 miles (this week!).

I started training the second week in June. I was just out of town in Wyoming and Colorado for two weeks so I am now in my fourth week of training. Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and did some stretching. It was a bit difficult because I am dehydrated and I forgot my headphones.

Thanks to a tip from a friend, I have realized that strength training will help my running. I plan on designing a strength training schedule to follow. I have learned that left to my own devices, I may not improve. I need structure and a goal to work towards...thus, the schedule.

'till next time.