Saturday, April 23, 2011

Since my 10 miler...

This post was written 4/23/11...

Since my little 10 miler, I've run once and it wasn't that pretty. My legs felt like lead until I was about 15 minutes into the run. I was supposed to run a 5K last night, but it rained here and was cold and I wimped out. Instead, I have been spinning three times a week and doing other cross training (i.e. elliptical, a little biking, walking, and badminton). My punishment, I mean alternative, for not running last night was to wake up and go to an 1 1/2 hour spin class this morning. The teacher ended the class a little early so we spun hard for about an hour or so (1:08:14) to be exact. The spin teacher on Sat. morning is different than my normal spin instructor. He (Mr. Sat) teaches in order to make you a good cyclist as in outdoor cycling...there's little music and his pushes range from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. I usually don't take his class, but I have gone the past two Saturdays and, I have to admit, I am enjoying it. This morning we did speedwork first and then did some strength, but more strength combined with speed. I am not a speedy person, but I'm sure it's good for me to spin over 110 rpm.


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