Saturday, April 08, 2006

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Let me catch you up. On March 25th I ran a 5k. This was Maureen's first race and I agreed to run it with her. We ended up getting several friends to run with us: Chris, Amber and Tyler. The morning was cold but the race was quick since it was a flat course down at West Potomac Park. I ran with Maureen and we completed the race in a little over 31 minutes. Our pace was 10:06 minutes/mile. Maureen did a great job and I am pleased with our results. Chris and Tyler finished a little ahead of us and Amber was not far behind. Everyone did great and it was awesome to have friends there. The next day, Sunday, I ran a couple of miles on the treadmill. I was going to run more outside but had to prepare for my trip to Savannah.

I went to Savannah, GA for a conference. I traveled on Monday and on Tuesday woke up early to jog with some colleagues at the conference. They decided to sleep in so I went on a 3 mile run on my own. I jogged along the river front in one direction until I got into a "rough" looking area. I then ran to the other end of the river front until it ended. Along the way, I saw the shops and restaurants (closed of course). The tugboats were docked and the tourist paddle boats. A surprise occured when I jogged past one large boat with people sitting on the inside. I assumed it was a breakfast cruise but later learned it's a hotel boat. On my run, I discovered the waving girl statue and noticed she has a collie with her...reminds me of Major. I then ran through the town of Savannah and noticed the square acres that cover the town and several churches. In the afternoon, my colleagues decided to go on a run so I skipped out of the afternoon session to go change and join them. We ran about 3 more miles at least through Savannah to a large park. We did three laps around the park before returning to the hotel. Due to having a couple of late nights, I didn't run again until I arrived in Nashville.

On Saturday (April 1), I met Sarynna at Shelby Bottoms for a 9 mile run. I have never been to this park before and it is a great place to run. The trail is flat and wide and runs along the Cumberland river until you reach the back of Opryland. The course then loops back to the original course. We did the loop twice. Sarynna planned to run an 11 minute/mile pace but once we checked our time we realized we did a 10.3 minute/mile pace. She was so excited and so was I!! It gave me the utmost confidence to know I can do that pace over a long distance. It did get difficult toward the end but not difficult on my body, but more so on my mind. I simply was "tired" of running. I also have to adjust to running in warmer temperatures. I realize that while I have concentrated on conditioning my body, I must also condition and pace my mind. My mind gets ahead of me so often, not just in training but in my work and daily life as well. I must be realistic!

On Sunday, I ran a quick 2 miles in my neighborhood at home. On Monday, I ran 4.5 miles in my neighborhood. Essentially that is 4 laps around my neighborhood including the courts. Tuesday, Leslie (co-worker) and I met Sarynna again at Shelby Bottoms for a 5.3 mile run. The weather was warm and the park wasn't as crowded as on Saturday. Made for a great run! On Wednesday, I took my family dogs for a 1 mile walk since I had neglected them on Tuesday night. Thursday I returned to D.C. and did a variety of things in the gym. I did the stair climber for 15 minutes (1000 steps on level 8), then ran a quick 2 miles (19 1/2 minutes) and then walked on an incline for 10 minutes. I then did weights and stretching. On Friday, I ran 4 miles along my normal trail but was slower than normal and I walked some of the hills. It was quite humid due to rain and I didn't want to overdo it since I have a race on Sunday.

Tomorrow is the big day, my first 10K (6.21 miles)! I am running in the Clyde's 10K in Columbia, MD. I have to drive about 45 minutes just to get to the race so I am not looking forward to that. I am shooting for a time around 60 minutes but I know there are some "rolling hills" on this course so my goal may have to be adjusted to closer to 62 minutes (10 min/mile pace). It's 10:15 pm now, so I need to get ready for bed. G'night.


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