Rain or shine
It's Saturday around 2 pm and I have already ran 6.6 miles, had brunch with a friend and went to the grocery. For some reason, I hate grocery shopping but today I went with Heather to the commissary and it was a pleasant experience since I didn't lolligag like I usually do. I also got great deals!
This morning, several of us met on the Canal for a run. It was supposed to rain but let up before our run started. We had decided to do between 6 and 8 miles but I knew for me it would be closer to 6. We're not in training yet so I don't see the need to overdo it. My legs are still sore from doing strength training on my hamstrings this weekend. They are like little lead weights right now but getting better. Note to self: probably no need to do hamstring weights. Doing it is more trouble than it is worth.
I have been a little tiny bit under the weather this week. I felt a sore throat on Monday night and started pumping myself full of Vitamin C: 2000 mg in the morn and 1000 mg at night. I also sucked on zinc lozenges. It never developed into a full blown cold but I have been blowing my nose and my energy levels have been a bit low. Also, my heart rate was up a couple of mornings to 49 when it is usually around 43. I tried to get to bed early each night (no later than 11) to get enough rest. I kept up my exercise regimen and ran two miles on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday I did the elliptical for an additonal twenty minutes and walked on an incline for 10 minutes. On Thursday I ran about 4.5 miles in the morning and then did the stationary bike for 30 min in the afternoon. Friday I ran about 3.5 miles on the treadmill followed by strength training. This is my second week following my self-designed strength training program. I have actually made a spreadsheet of the exercises so I can track my weights and reps. I used to prefer weights to cardio but now I prefer running to strength training. I am going to try to limit my cardio to 30 minutes or so during the week and spend more time on my strength. Two reasons: 1) I want to lower my body fat (lose fat, not muscle), 2) the more muscle I build, the more calories my body will naturally burn.
Last week was my first week back from the Christmas holiday and I think I hit it too hard and that may be why I am suffering from a sore throat. I worked out in some form every day from Tuesday, Jan 2 until today. I am definitely taking a rest day tomorrow (Sunday). Last weekend I went on a two hour bike ride on Saturday after helping Heather move things in the morning. It was 70 degrees here!! Unbelievable! I rode my mtn. bike 18 miles in about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Everyone was out on the trail so I had to really pay attention so I don't run over anyone. On Sunday, Heather and I ran in the rain. At first I was peeved it was raining on us but then I came to enjoy it. It was cold, damp and getting dark but very liberating being out there while people are passing by in cars and you realize that deep down you must love this or have an addiction.
My discipline exercising and eating paid off...I lost 4.4 lbs. last week.
This morning, several of us met on the Canal for a run. It was supposed to rain but let up before our run started. We had decided to do between 6 and 8 miles but I knew for me it would be closer to 6. We're not in training yet so I don't see the need to overdo it. My legs are still sore from doing strength training on my hamstrings this weekend. They are like little lead weights right now but getting better. Note to self: probably no need to do hamstring weights. Doing it is more trouble than it is worth.
I have been a little tiny bit under the weather this week. I felt a sore throat on Monday night and started pumping myself full of Vitamin C: 2000 mg in the morn and 1000 mg at night. I also sucked on zinc lozenges. It never developed into a full blown cold but I have been blowing my nose and my energy levels have been a bit low. Also, my heart rate was up a couple of mornings to 49 when it is usually around 43. I tried to get to bed early each night (no later than 11) to get enough rest. I kept up my exercise regimen and ran two miles on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday I did the elliptical for an additonal twenty minutes and walked on an incline for 10 minutes. On Thursday I ran about 4.5 miles in the morning and then did the stationary bike for 30 min in the afternoon. Friday I ran about 3.5 miles on the treadmill followed by strength training. This is my second week following my self-designed strength training program. I have actually made a spreadsheet of the exercises so I can track my weights and reps. I used to prefer weights to cardio but now I prefer running to strength training. I am going to try to limit my cardio to 30 minutes or so during the week and spend more time on my strength. Two reasons: 1) I want to lower my body fat (lose fat, not muscle), 2) the more muscle I build, the more calories my body will naturally burn.
Last week was my first week back from the Christmas holiday and I think I hit it too hard and that may be why I am suffering from a sore throat. I worked out in some form every day from Tuesday, Jan 2 until today. I am definitely taking a rest day tomorrow (Sunday). Last weekend I went on a two hour bike ride on Saturday after helping Heather move things in the morning. It was 70 degrees here!! Unbelievable! I rode my mtn. bike 18 miles in about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Everyone was out on the trail so I had to really pay attention so I don't run over anyone. On Sunday, Heather and I ran in the rain. At first I was peeved it was raining on us but then I came to enjoy it. It was cold, damp and getting dark but very liberating being out there while people are passing by in cars and you realize that deep down you must love this or have an addiction.
My discipline exercising and eating paid off...I lost 4.4 lbs. last week.