Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Year!

Well, it's a new year and of course I am busy assessing my situation. I am not a big believer in setting a New Year's resolution but I can't help but feel motivated and ready to make changes during this time. I think it's normal.

I took some time off from running over my Christmas holiday. I told myself that I would only run if I felt like it. Since December 22, I only ran twice. Once on the morning after Christmas (about 4.5 miles) in the neighborhood next to my Aunt and Uncle's house and I ran yesterday for about 4.5 miles in McLean. My run yesterday went really, really well. I had no agenda, just run. I also took it easy and steady. I told myself to do 3 miles but just kept going. I probably would have done more, but it was getting dark.

2006 was a FABULOUS year for me. Ok, bad news first...My only complaint is that since the marathon at the end of October, I have gained some weight. I must admit my self-control had waned and my portion sizes or how much food I need have become distorted. That's ok, I have taken stock of the situation and my resolve is strong. I am armed with the knowledge of the ideal weight for me and it is a larger number than my original goal weight. This has also been an important lesson for me in realizing that it is unreal for me to expect my weight to stay within 3 - 5 lbs. of a certain weight. Over my lifetime, my weight may fluctuate 10 lbs. or so at a given time and this is ok as long as I am aware of the situation.

Now onto the good news. A list of my accomplishments this past year in terms of my health and fitness:
I maintained my weight from January until November.

I ran my first half marathon in April.

I ran my first marathon in November.

My resting heart rate is currently 43 bpm (that's down 6 points since March!) and reached a low of 41 bpm.

My body fat percentage went down about 2 % from July until November.

I ran 11 races this year with times of 4:49 for the marathon, 2:18 for the half marathon, and best times of 57:50 for a 10K, 45:41 for an 8K, and 26:54 for a 5K.

I ran over 1,050 miles this year. WOO HOO!

With the start of the New Year comes a new training schedule. I am trying to decide if I should follow a training schedule for a 10 miler or for the half-marathon. I am already registered to race the St. Patrick's Day 8K again, then the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler on April 1 and I plan on running the Country Music Half Marathon again at the end of April. This year, I want to focus on improving my speed.


Blogger Super Babe said...

Awesome year Audrelia! My goals are all messed up right now, with the move and all but I'm still trying to find time to get a run here and there. I do want to run the Berlin 25 K in May, so that should keep me motivated to train as soon as most of everything else in life is "settled" (sort of, anyway). Keep up the good work!

5:44 PM  

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