Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Miss me?

I realize it's been a while since I posted. I have an excuse. My internet at home has been out since last Thursday since our new tenant decided to secure the wireless network. How nice of him except he failed to let me know about this. Anyways, I still haven't got back on the network at home so I am writing from work.

So the last time I posted was on Monday of last week so let me catch you up. On Tuesday, I did my cross training which was 50 minutes on the recumbent bike. Wednesday I did a 3 mile run on the treadmill and Thursday I ran 4.5 miles outside. Friday I did stretch and strengthening, Saturday was rest, and Sunday I set out to run 7 miles but actually did about 6.4. I thought I had done close to 7 but hadn't mapped out the route so wasn't sure. When I drove it later, I realized it was only 6.4 miles. I did 6.4 miles in 69 minutes so that's fair enough. The time should have been my first clue that I hadn't done a full 7 miles.

Yesterday should have been a day of rest since I did my long run on Sunday. I didn't want to waste my rest day on Monday, though, so I ran 2 miles in 21 minutes and then biked for 20 minutes. I did a little over 5 miles on the bike, no big deal. I also did 8 minutes on the arm machine to complete 50 minutes of cross training for this week. Today I ran 4.5 miles in 47 minutes. Until the last mile I was on a 2% incline and then lowered it to 0% for the last mile. My legs were hurtin'.

I have registered to run an 8 K this weekend. I am excited about that and it appears I will be doing it all alone. That's ok, I like running alone and this distance (5 miles) hopefully won't be too difficult. Here is more information on the race: http://www.runwashington.com/other/stpat02list.html.

I can definitely tell a difference in my body with my increase in mileage each week. I am losing weight and my clothes are feeling looser. I need to remember this feeling in the fall when I tend to gain a little. The best feeling of all is being able to feel my muscles and feel that they are getting harder. I simply feel stronger and it feels good.

As far as my nutrition goes, I have decided to cut out sweets for a while (40 days to be exact). Although I eat pretty well, I realize I was still addicted to sugary foods and needed to cut down on those. So far, it hasn't been much of a challenge, but I am sure it will be at some point. I simply did not buy my usual sweets at the grocery this time. Instead I am turning to dried apples (which are actually excellent!), yogurt, fruit, granola, etc. This is all stuff I normally eat but now I am substituting them for desserts.

The thought of running 13 miles is still overwhelming at times. I just have to keep telling myself that I am training for it and will be properly prepared. It's not the end of the world if I have to walk, but we all know me, and I don't want to walk. Not one step...


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